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Monday, August 24, 2020
Differentiated Instruction Paper Free Essays
Separated Instruction Differentiated guidance is a procedure to move toward educating and learning for understudies with contrasting capacities in a similar class. The plan of separating guidance is to amplify each student’s development and individual accomplishment by meeting every understudy where the individual in question is aiding the learning procedure (Polloway, Patton, and Serna, 2005). It’s an individualized instructional technique. We will compose a custom article test on Separated Instruction Paper or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now It is utilized to assist understudies with various necessities get the hang of utilizing a general educational plan. There are a few ways to deal with utilizing separated guidance when showing students with social or exceptional needs. Each understudy has distinctive learning styles, practices, and premiums. It is dependent upon instructors to fulfill state and area guidelines when encouraging various students regardless of their needs. There are a few different ways to ensure understudies fulfill these guidelines. Kapusnick and Hauslein (2001) list the most widely recognized instructional procedures as quickening, educational plan compacting, autonomous investigation, adaptable gathering, free learning places, complex inquiries, layered exercises, and agreements. Understudies who show dominance of instructional material through preassessment can learn at their own pace, speeding up. Educational plan compacting consolidates learning and permits understudies to push forward of material previously learned while remaining on grade level. During free investigation, understudies progress at their own pace until they ace an errand by a due date settled upon by the educator. Instructors utilize adaptable gathering dependent on students’ requirements, interests, and capacities to permit understudies with comparative abilities to cooperate. Autonomous learning places give understudies remediation openings by researching a point top to bottom. In a separated homeroom, the educator poses complex inquiries that are open-finished, claim to higher-request thinking aptitudes, permit sufficient hang tight an ideal opportunity for answers (more than the customary 1-3 seconds), and give chances to peer conversations and follow-up questions. Furthermore, layered exercises are utilized to advance achievement on the grounds that the understudy picks their own degree of achievement (Kapusnick and Hauslein, 2001). Also, contracts are utilized as an understanding that permits understudies to assume liability for finishing assignments. Kapusnick and Hauslein, in a comprehensive nvironment, understudies at all degrees of comprehension can learn all the more adequately if educators alter guidance for singular learning style and needs (2001). Vygotsky and Gardner’s speculations of instructional practices are approaches to help educators with introducing data to their students. Howard Gardner’s hypothesis of various insights de clared that understudies learn better and all the more effectively when instructors utilize an assortment of conveyance strategies, furnishing understudies with learning encounters that boosts their qualities (Kapusnick and Hauslein, 2001). Vygotsky’s zone of proximal improvement bolsters the thought that successful training encourages advancement by helping the movement to each phase through understudy educator associations and chances to talk about and share thoughts (Kapusnick and Hauslein, 2001). This hypothesis expects instructors to assist understudies with extraordinary needs by making housing to address their issues. Educators help them until they arrive at their usual range of familiarity of finishing errands autonomously or with insignificant help. Understudies are shown the utilizing a similar educational plan, with various techniques. The variety of exercises gave during guidance ought to mirror the requirements of the understudies. During separated guidance, educators assist understudies with comprehending learning. The means to utilizing separated guidance are substance, procedure, and item. Content is the thing that we instruct, process incorporates how we educate and how understudies learn, and item is the manner in which our understudies show what they have realized (Levy, 2008). So as to discover the students’ capacities, instructors should initially evaluate their aptitudes. This tells the instructor what levels the understudies are on. Appraisals are utilized for different reasons. They are utilized to screen progress, audit capacities, and assess students’ qualities and shortcomings. They are a fundamental piece of the dynamic procedure of figuring out what an understudy needs remediation with. Evaluation results look at understudies separately and show contrasts among different companions. They are utilized to characterize understudies for capacity, or adaptable, gathering, which recognizes them for position in uncommon projects and gatherings. Appraisals permit educators to design and change exercises to suit all students. Gathering understudies as indicated by their capacities by taking note of their capacity levels, learning styles, and premiums are ways instructors can anticipate their understudies. Capacity level gatherings permit instructors to put all understudies who may require remediation together to get extra assistance, or testing work. Understudies decipher guidance by what they hear, see, what they can do, and what they state. A few understudies focus on what the instructor says or peruses; sound-related students, while others center around what the educator composes on the writing slate, overhead projector, or savvy board. Different understudies must accomplish something hands-on or talk about it utilizing more detail with the end goal for them to get a handle on a comprehension of an exercise. When an educator knows the understudies in the study hall and their learning styles, adaptable gathering can be executed. Understudies are probably going to participate and cooperate as they endless supply of new information. Separated guidance furnishes understudies with a sorted out guidance framework comprising of fundamental abilities and guidance. Instructors may introduce entire class discussions of substance large thoughts followed by little gathering or pair work. Completely clarifying, illustrating, and giving understudy various connections are aptitudes instructors use to arrive at the students. Understudy gatherings might be instructed from inside or by the instructor to finish appointed assignments. In separated guidance, the gathering of understudies doesn't need to be changeless, and can differ dependent on the data or errands introduced, the task, and steady assessments. Homeroom the executives likewise assumes a job in separated guidance. Instructors must be reliable with the desires for all the understudies scholastically and typically. Alongside study hall the executives, ceaseless evaluation of students’ progress and treatment ought to likewise be kept up. Homeroom direction is another wellspring of giving separated guidance. Direction and school guides help understudies by advising them to discover their requirements and interests. They likewise illuminate understudies about instructive open doors by giving them data on progress methodologies and strategies utilized for managing unjustifiable practices of school peers. Much the same as study hall guidance, advocates can utilize gathering or individual directing meetings to help understudies. Contingent upon the students’ needs, the advisors can hold meetings in their office or in the students’ study hall. Akos, Cockman, and Strickland (2007), said through the only remaining century, school directing advanced from a situation, to a lot of administrations, to a multifaceted formative program where aptitudes expected to encourage homeroom direction incorporate a wide scope of capacities, and the curricular idea of study hall direction requires arranging and conveyance abilities like those requested of instructors. In this way, regardless of whether for scholarly or social turns of events, school advocates plan hands-on exercises and complete homeroom direction meetings. English Language Learners (ELLs) and understudies with uncommon necessities may require extra help when learning new material. Separated guidance with these students may require certain methodologies while tending to educational program factors and instructing for social reasons. It is significant for educators to know the social capability of their students when considering separated guidance. As per Hoover and Patton (2005), language work, cultural assimilation, theoretical information, thinking capacities, social qualities and standards, and educating and learning styles are curricular variables for worry with ELLs. Language capacity can be the discussions and social advancement abilities the understudy makes. The objective is to get ELLs to utilize raised language by talking more with companions, relatives, and anybody they have consistent correspondence with. It will assist understudy with concentrating on deciphering implications for new words while creating familiarity abilities. Cultural assimilation is where one social gathering accept qualities of another social gathering (Hoover and Patton, 2005). In cultural assimilation, understudies may react with indications of withdrawal because of absence of correspondence and comprehension. Reasonable information is the new data picked up from earlier information. It gives understudies associations with the substance being instructed. ELLs need to apply their deduction capacities to collaborate and become familiar with the new educational program. This is utilizing their higher-request thinking abilities. One’s social qualities and standards are their encounters and ways of life they bring to the study hall. Separated guidance gives adjustments so the understudies can be instructed utilizing the fitting evaluation level educational plan. This is again where instructing and learning styles assume a job in instructive turns of events. It centers around the conditions the understudies learn under. Understudies with extraordinary requirements or inabilities, in all evaluation levels, may feel as though they don’t have indistinguishable abilities from non-debilitated understudies for clear reasons. Understudies with handicaps, as do numerous different understudies, may require huge practice, application, and speculation of significant abilities and ideas (Mastropieri et al. 2006). As a f
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cultural Models and Cultural Dimensions Free Essays
string(186) are now and again critical contrasts between European nations like Italy and Germany, Spain and Sweden, this normal score permits looking at the way of life of Europe, India and Brazil. Social Models and Cultural Dimensions (Hofstede) Cultural investigations are not a bound together hypothesis but rather an assorted field of study incorporating a wide range of approaches, strategies and scholastic points of view. As in any scholarly control, social examinations scholastics much of the time banter among themselves. Culturally diverse correspondence, as in numerous insightful fields, is a mix of numerous different fields. We will compose a custom paper test on Social Models and Cultural Dimensions or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now These fields incorporate human sciences, social examinations, brain science and correspondence. There exists no uniform assessment framework or model of social perspectives to date. Nonetheless, the assortment of the accessible models substantially more delineates how multifaceted the methodology can be. By the by, there are some basic measurements for the most social models, for example, idea of reality, equivalent (or non-equivalent) privileges of people and position of the person in the general public. The most famous social models come essentially from the English-talking looks into: Hall (1989), Hofstede (1991), Oksaar (1988). Wierzbicka is renowned for her work in semantics, pragmatics, and multifaceted etymology and has set up the possibility of purported Universal Human Concepts and their acknowledgment in the language (Wierzbicka, 1992). Searching for a fitting premise social model for this examination a short correlation of the most known models should be finished. The distinctions start at the meaning of culture or even at keeping away from any definition, at the objectiveness level (e. g. sum and homogeneity of the talked with people) just as at utilization of various social measurements. Table 6 contains an examination between three most famous social models of Hofstede, Hall and Gesteland however the last ought to be concerned more as an assortment of an educational involvement with how to carry on in business with progress around the world. Table 6: Comparison of Cultural Models (Astapenko, 2008: 92) This examination shows the absence of homogeneity of the exploration premise. While the measure of the meetings done by Hall is generally high, he overviews just three nations. Gesteland on his hand does his examination with no measurements utilizing his own understanding. Contrasting with this the social model of Hofstede is progressively delegate and homogeneous. He chipped away at meetings of IBM-representatives in more than 50 nations who in this manner work in a similar area in practically identical positions and have a comparable economic wellbeing. It is clearly that each social model must be drawn closer with extraordinary alert and an uncritical perusing of social measurements can prompt bogus ends. Be that as it may, regardless of whether Hofstede’s conceptualization of culture has pulled in some analysis he is however one of the most prestigious and most refered to specialists. The coherence of his investigates can be seen over decades and the methodology of his logical school is as yet being applied and improved. In addition, his exploration approach sets up an association with the dynamic avoidance measures referenced in Chapter 2. As his arrangement framework will be utilized to make an examination of the included locales later in this part, it adds to the consistency of this report to clarify his definition. Hofstede characterizes culture as â€Å"the aggregate programming of the psyche that recognizes the individuals from one gathering or class of individuals from others†(Hofstede et al. , 2010: 6). Examining society is an endeavor to get general patterns among a huge gathering of individuals on a general level. Thusly, the discoveries in this report ought not be applied on an individual level, as this may prompt miscommunication or even derision. There are various degrees of culture (national, local, ethnic, strict, sexual orientation, social class or even hierarchical level) yet with respect to Transferability of Road Safety gauges the national level was proposed to be the subject for additional exploration. Carefully, the idea of a typical culture applies to social orders, not to countries. In light of expound inquire about from 1967 to 1973, Hofstede built up a model that attempts to catch †culture†through scores on four qualities, purported social measurements (given beneath). Later looks into included further measurements which can't be completely assessed here because of different concentrations in this venture. The total depiction of the social measurements can be found on the site (Hofstede, 2011). The four principle measurements as indicated by Hofstede are: †¢ Power Distance Index (PDI): the degree to which the less incredible individuals from associations and foundations (like the family) acknowledge and expect that force is conveyed inconsistent. Independence (IDV): how much people are incorporated into gatherings. †¢ Masculinity (MAS): alludes to the circulation of jobs and qualities between the sexual orientations. The ladies in female nations have the equivalent unobtrusive, caring qualities as the men; in the manly nations they are to some degree confident and serious, yet not as much as the men, with the goal that these nations show a hole between men’s values and women’s values. Vulnerability Avoidance Index (UAI): a society’s resilience for vulnerability and uncertainty. In light of the qualities for these elements of the 19 European nations for which social measurement scores are accessible, a normal European score was determined. After a correlation between Europe, India and Brazil dependent on the official investigation information from Hofstede the examination for metropolitan territories of Sao Paulo and Delhi which was accomplished for this specific task by the nearby accomplices utilizi ng the poll of Hofstede is being introduced. Based on its outcomes the task accomplices familiarity with the social contrasts and likenesses between Brazil, India and Europe ought to be honed so as to consider them during the exchange of European Safety measures to Emerging Economies. This permits to maintain a strategic distance from false impressions and to bar from the earliest starting point those measures which can't be moved because of social reasons. 1. 1. 1. Correlation of Cultural Dimensions of Europe, Brazil and India A first issue that emerges when contrasting the districts that are coordinating in SaferBraIn is the distinction in examination levels: in what capacity would it be a good idea for one to look at the way of life of two nations (India and Brazil) with the way of life of a landmass (Europe)? Having some understanding in the European states societies, it is protected to state that critical contrasts can be noted between the European part states. Accordingly a normal European score was determined dependent on a scientific examination of Hofstede’s social measurement scores. Regardless of whether there are now and again pivotal contrasts between European nations like Italy and Germany, Spain and Sweden, this normal score permits looking at the way of life of Europe, India and Brazil. You read Social Models and Cultural Dimensions in classification Papers The following figure presents the scores on the four measurements for these three locales. It must be worried at this phase it isn't the authors’ expectation to offer hard expressions about societies. As was shown previously, Hofstede’s research must be utilized to depict general patterns in the normal culture of a nation. This ought to by no means be meant an individual level. Figure 20: Comparison of Europe-India-Brazil on Hofstede’s 4 social measurements Figure 20 shows that the force separation is moderately enormous in India and Brazil, contrasted with Europe. This could imply that people in these two nations work in an increasingly various leveled framework. Following Hofstede’s definition, order in India and Brazil isn't just acknowledged, it is likewise anticipated. It might be fascinating to remember this while examining the comparing traffic frameworks and when structuring pilots to be actualized in these two nations. Particularly concerning the implementation of security gauges, the solid force direction impacts its working out. It is realized that Brazil and India as of now have numerous street offices and street wellbeing measures however they are not appropriate utilized by populace. Because of that more grounded requirement measures are expected to improve the acknowledgment of new innovations and offices. One can likewise see that Europe seems to have a more independent culture than India and Brazil. This propensity toward independence can be found in a few Western nations. The United States of America for instance, have a score of 91 on Hofstede’s scale. Independent societies depend more on media and less on their informal communities. Various overviews show that in a maverick culture representatives are relied upon to act at their own duty and sort out their work assembling their own advantages with those of their bosses. In a collectivist culture a representative is a piece of a gathering and needs to act as indicated by its advantage. This ought to be considered collaborating in pilot ventures for SaferBraIn. Additionally, collectivist societies will in general have higher force separation that nonconformist ones. So a solid chain of importance and acknowledgment of higher situated accomplices can be assumed working with India and Brazil. Considering defenseless street clients a human services overview referenced by Hofstede indicated that maverick and collectivist societies distinctively manage incapacity. An exceptional piece of the review was devoted to debilitated youngsters. â€Å"In the nonconformist networks [†¦], individuals with inabilities would in general stay chipper and idealistic, to disdain reliance and being helped, and to get ready for a future life as ordinary as could be expected under the circumstances. In the collectivist networks [†¦], there would be more articulation of sadness, disgrace, and cynicism; relatives would b
Friday, July 17, 2020
Most Effective Ways of How to Calculate Effective Interest Rate
Most Effective Ways of How to Calculate Effective Interest Rate The effective annual interest rate is the interest rate that, because of compounding over a specific time period, is effectively received or paid out on a loan, credit, or other financial product. The nominal interest rate, the annual equivalent, or the effective rate, are similarly defined. Here is the most effective way of how to calculate effective interest rate. Uses of Effective Interest Rate Summary Uses of Effective Interest RateExampleAdditional FactorsAdditional feesAltered amount lentPurposeBenefits of Effective Interest RatesMethod of the Effective Interest Rate The interest is the borrowers utilization rate for loans. It can also take into account the market interest rate or the return to maturity. The rate might differ from the rate indicated in the document of loan, which was determined established on analyses of a number of factors. The following are: The actual amount of interest chargedThe amount paid by the lender to the loan is compounded throughout the year The steps that are obligatory to analyze the effective rate are: find the documents of loan for the compounding period when the effect of compounding only applies to the interest rate. It may be weekly, monthly, or yearly. In the loan documents, locate the specified interest rate. Insert into the actual formula of interest rate the compounding time and specified interest rate; that is: r = (1 + i/n) ^n-1 Wherever: The effective interest rate = r The stated interest rate = i Compounding periods for each year = n Example A loan document has a specified 10% interest rate as well as a four times a year compounding mandate. When incorporating this info into the formula of effective interest rate, we approach the “effective rate (1 + 10%/4): ^4-1= 10.38%. Additional Factors Additional fees The borrower may compensate for the additional fees incurred by interest payments. Such payments are worth collectively if they are content in the estimate. Altered amount lent If the investment does not agree to an interest rate equal to the interest rate of the debtor. The lender shall bid less than or in excess of the face sum of the borrower. The creator, therefore, pays less for the loan, which means that the market interest rate is greater than the face value of the debt instrument, the results in a more productive return. By contrast, if the market interest rate is under that of the debt instrument. The borrower is ready to wage extra for the loan. A thorough, effective interest rate analysis might be very helpful for a borrower who can recognize the need to prevent any potential borrowing arrangement. The definition is also useful for comparing various alternative methods for loans and borrowing, which include different interest rate calculations. Purpose It is a significant concept in economics for the reason that it is utilized to equate distinct products together with lines of credits, loans. Benefits of Effective Interest Rates The main advantage of using the effective rate calculation is clearly that the real interest in financial investment. And the instrument is a more accurate figure or the actual interest paid on loan, e.g., a home mortgage. Method of the Effective Interest Rate An effective interest method is a preferred way of amortizing (or gradual cancelling of) a discounted bond. The amount of interest expenditure in an assumed accounting period is linked with a bond book value. At the start of the accounting period below the method of the effective interest rate. Therefore, the amount of interest spending upsurges as the book value of a bond upsurge. As soon as a discounted bond is issued, it must pay the amount of the discount to interest charges for the bonds life.The debit balance in the discount on bonds allocated is transferred to the interest account once using the efficient interest process.The amortization will, therefore, result in interest spending in each period that exceeds the amount of interest paid every single year of the life of the bond.A number of types of interest rates, together with nominal, real, annual, and efficient, are well-known through factors of key economic that be able to make people smarter.In general, real rates are above nominal rights when the inflation rates are negative (deflationary). However, the contrary is true for positive inflation rates. The actual cost of taking a loan in Singapore is the EIR. It is because the loan rate is not the only factor. Often there are other expenses as well, such as the expense of compliance paid by a bank. The effective interest rate is the equivalent annual interest rate that is annually compounded. Moreover, more than once a year, the compounding must take place. Get the best accounting assignment help from our experts.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Bullying Those with Special Needs and Disabilities Essay
Bullying is mean and mean stinks. Bullying, however, goes well beyond mean. The term is commonly defined as the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others. In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include an intentional act to hurt or harm someone, an imbalance of power and repetition†(Lohmann). However defined, bullying is ugly and hurtful and cruel and should be taken very seriously. Children with disabilities are at an even greater risk of being bullied, and it is not only ugly, hurtful and cruel, it is against the law and all steps necessary to eliminate bullying in this population ought to be taken. Bullying occurs in many different ways. Physical abuse can include hitting, kicking,†¦show more content†¦In 1999, the topic of bullying came to the forefront when two students at Columbine High School in Colorado killed twelve classmates and a teacher. The shooters had allegedly been bullied in school for years. Victims of bullying are usually those who stand apart from those that are considered â€Å"normal.†They are often those students who look different, speak different, and act different from the â€Å"normal†kids. Special needs students, those with developmental, learning and intellectual disabilities, are not considered â€Å"normal†and are oftentimes the targets. One study claims that almost 75% of special education students report being bullied. The members of this vulnerable group is vast, and includes, for example, children with ADHD, children with physical disabilities like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, children who stutter, children that are on the autism spectrum, and children with learning disabilities. Students with disabilities and special needs are more likely to face peer rejection. They are at an increased risk of being bullied because of their differences and in part due to their vulnerability and challenges relating in social situations. Most students with disabilities are already addressing challenges in the classroom as a result of their disability. Bullied disabled students have to deal with verbal, physical and/or emotional attacks whileShow MoreRelatedBullying in Schools Essay1512 Words  | 7 PagesBullying is not something that can just be addressed inside one teachers classroom, it requires a comprehensive community effort to effectively stop bullying and the tolerance of bullying. Research shows only 4% of teachers intervene in a situation where a student is being bullied yet 50-75% of students with special needs are the main targets of bullying. These percentages do not add up. With more adult involvement and awareness of what to look for with students educators possess the power to notRead MoreBullying Interventions That Support Exceptional Education Students914 Words  | 4 Pagesexist in the school system today is bullying. This type of misbehavior can cause the school climate to be unconducive to learning. 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At the same time, the issue of the importance of including disabled students to the schools for normal children is very questionable, and there are quite a few cons and pros. Have you ever questioned how students with disabilities feel? Have you question why students with disabilities are excluded from classrooms. Not everyone is passionateRead MoreIdentify the Current Legislation and Codes of Practice to the Promotion of Equality and Valuing of Diversity.1402 Words  | 6 Pagesin every aspect of practice and service provision. 3. Practitioners work with parents and families who are partners in the care, development and learning of their children and are the child’s first and most enduring educators. Values 1. The needs, rights and views of the child are the centre of all practice and provision 2. Individuality, difference and diversity are equally valued and celebrated 3. Equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice are actively promoted 4. Children’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Alcoholism A Disease Or A Lifestyle Choice - 1933 Words
From the website, Patient Info, recently presented a discussion in whether alcoholism is a disease or a lifestyle choice. One blogger expressed her opinion about how alcoholism is genetic and that parents, about how it is genetic that anxiety and depression is inherited from parents leading, to becoming an addict. But the blogger by the name of andrew69055 stated, â€Å"People would do well to work more on resolving anxiety and depression rather than using alcohol disease as an excuse†¦People need hope and motivation and the handed out excuse that it’s a disease is destructive†¦.It removes all sense of guilt and responsibility. Cancer is a disease which the patient, apart from a positive attitude relies completely on the medical profession for their recovery. To put alcoholism and addiction in the same context is an insult to the cancer patient.†Like this blogger stated alcoholism should not be categorized in the same defense as cancer. Alcoholism is a life choice that people make in life. People are at free will to choose how they live and every move that they make. Many people have been misguided about whether or not alcoholism is â€Å"disease†that attacks a person’s good health. A key suggestion of those that believe alcoholism is a disease is that a disease is uncontrolled. This is not so. When people develop an addiction to alcohol they tend to push everything of importance out of their lives: family, friends, and sometimes even jobs. People with addiction to alcohol throwShow MoreRelatedMini Thesis1451 Words  | 6 PagesTHE IMPACT OF LIFESTYLE DECISIONS THAT CAUSE END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the Requirements For Health Care Marketplace Thesis By: Laquita Hailey Professor: Cornelius Cash, PH.D., MBA American InterContinental University 6600 Peachtree-Dunwoody RD 500 Embassy Row Atlanta, GA 30328 June 18, 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT Chapter 1 – Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4 Background and Problem†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 StatementRead MoreAn Alcoholic : Societal Views Vs. Reality1103 Words  | 5 Pageswhen it comes to alcoholism, in order to understand Alcoholism properly we must consider both the disease and the treatment. In 1956 the AMA (American Medical Association) classified Alcoholism as a disease. The association’s definition of alcoholism is a primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. In this case the term â€Å"primary†is used to indicate that it is a disease that can lead to other diseases such as CirrhosisRead MoreDrunken Driving Accidents And The Biggest Party Of The Year1182 Words  | 5 Pageslying here dying and I wasn’t the one drinking and driving. ALCOHOLISM Drunken driving accidents are one of the leading causes of death of teens. Whether they are the driver or just in the car with someone. Alcoholism plays a big role in this. With it being a chronic and progressive disease there can be many different symptoms, causes, and risk factors and complications that can be associated with alcoholism. It can include difficulty regulating how much alcohol you drink. AlsoRead MoreThe Effects Of Heavy Alcohol Consumption On Heart Disease1729 Words  | 7 Pagesheart disease. Factors that influence this biasness include the underrepresentation of alcoholics in the moderate drinker group, the possibility of abstainers forgoing alcohol consumption due to illness and medication, and differing life-style choices and socio-economic demographics. This review analyzes the results of studies that controlled for these factors. Since these controlled studies observed a similar relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and lower risk for heart disease, it remainsRead MoreAlcohol as an Ergogenic Aid1082 Words  | 5 Pagesathletes and non-athletes in the United States. Prior to my research on alcohol, I assumed that alcohol abuse was not prevalent among college athletes, outside of the occasional partying that normal college students partake in as well. But according to Lifestyles and Health Risks of Collegiate Athletes, college athletes generally drink more heavily and are more likely to engage in binge drinking than non-athletes1, and contrary to my belief, in the psychologic realm, some have argued that alcohol beforeRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse Essay1115 Words  | 5 Pagesimpudent, dangerous and mad.†( Alcoholism Quotes.). So with all these consequences associated with alcohol, why do people drink? What is alcoholism? Who does it affect? Why does it happen? How can it be solved? Dependance on alcohol, otherwise known as alcoholism is defined as a treatable chronic disease where your body becomes physically dependant on alcohol to do everyday functions and tasks. Alcoholism can even develop to the point to where the person with the disease can’t control how much alcoholRead MoreAlcoholism Is Not A Lifestyle Choice For Alcoholics1047 Words  | 5 PagesAlcoholism is not a lifestyle choice for alcoholics. It is a disease, like cancer, where intervention, treatment, and follow up are needed to recover. As with cancer, remission and a cure cannot be guaranteed. Alcohol causes a wide range of negative effects in the lives of alcoholics and those who know and love them. One drink of alcohol is considered 5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer, or 1.5 ounces of 80 proof distilled spirits such as vodka or whiskey (Schmitt). â€Å"If you are a man under age 65Read More Alcoholics Should NOT Be Eligible to Receive Organ Transplants1097 Words  | 5 Pagesdying each day while waiting for a transplant. (Benjamin Samstein, 2015) This brings us to a question, should an alcoholic who had previously been lucky enough to have a liver transplant, be allowed to get another liver transplant after he let his alcoholism ruin another liver? When someone is in need of a transplant, there are several factors that are looked at in deciding whether or not the patient will be placed on the transplant list. Patients receive points for medical need, tissue type andRead MoreThe Consequences Of Accepting An Invitation For Happy Hour? Alcoholism1332 Words  | 6 Pages Have you ever considered the consequences of accepting an invitation to happy hour? Alcoholism is, â€Å"a chronic disorder marked by excessive and usually compulsive drinking of alcohol leading to psychological and physical dependence or addiction†(â€Å"Alcoholism†). Drinking while driving is against the law and an arrestable offense. Many argue that drinking alcohol moderately, in a safe environment will not cause harm. Despite this, it is more complicated when people drink without limiting themselvesRead MoreAlcoholism and Parenting: Samuel Adams961 Words  | 4 Pagesadolescent development and adjustment†(Effects on Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents). Under the influence of an alcohol dependent parent, children will often grow up in a callous and emotionally unavailable environment that can lead to a dangerous lifestyle as an adult such as difficulty socializing, criminal activity, and a dependency on alcohol much like their parent. When a child lives in a household with a parent or authoritative figure who consumes alcohol to an excess, it is likely that they
Organizational Process Recommendation Paper Free Essays
RUNNING HEADING: Organizational Process Recommendation Organizational Process Recommendation Paper University of Phoenix MGT 449 Mrs. Rebecca McHatton December 7, 2009 Quality International Textile Group is a diverse, innovative provider of global textile solutions and distinguished fabric brands to automotive, apparel, interior furnishing and industrial markets worldwide. While excellence is the common thread that weaves throughout Quality International Textile, it is the uniquely combined threads of a global manufacturing platform, innovative products, state-of-the-art systems, and a dynamic team of forward-thinking professionals that create unparalleled opportunities and competitive advantages for our customer partners. We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational Process Recommendation Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Quality improvement involves identifying discrepancies within organizational processes that may not run as effectively as possible. Many organizations find that a process is adequate for a time, but could function more effectively with some tweaking. An organization that strives for quality helps create an atmosphere based on teamwork and ensures that the entire organization will contribute to meeting the company’s ultimate goals. An effective evaluation process helps manage employees, offer suggestions, and a chance to set their career goals. The evaluation of an employee should have a positive influence on each individual employee regardless of the outcome. A major determinant of service quality centers on the people providing the service. Employee selection, training, motivation, supervision, and reward-all process relating to employees have a significant impact on quality. Burrill, 1999) Currently, there is no particular standardization for the process. Each manager evaluation process differs from another. Below is a â€Å"as is†flow chart of the current evaluation process that need to be analyzed. The description of the process is extremely limited because currently there is no strategic plan in place within t he entire process. Form the period that the self- evaluation is initiated until the time the management evaluates the employee can range any where from 1 month until one year. There is also no set timeframe when management discuses the employee evaluation until the time a pay increase is initiated. All raised vary from one manager to another, and there is no particular percentage set for pay increases regardless of the evaluation outcome. Therefore, there is no relation of the process to the organization’s strategic plan. This process of improvement would benefit the employee; it would also benefit customers, and the company as a whole. Effective quality management for an evaluation process would lead to higher productivity because employees would know and understand that their yearly salary increase would depend on their performance therefore, timely and systematic resolution of evaluations/ appraisals is important. An effective performance appraisal process would help the quality culture within the organization because employees would feel that their performance is significant to the company and its goals. Customers within the organization that are affected are office and field employees, suppliers, and customer. Initially a customer does not know if the service provided is good or bad, but an inefficient process for serving the customer can create a dad impression. The Fabric industry experiences the same business malfunctions as other companies. Therefore, the fabric industry should adapt the methods and ideas as other companies but many still have not adopted the Total Quality Management process. Those are the companies that will most likely experience increasing competition, rising legal cost related to cost overruns and schedule delays, and decreasing profit margins. (Cotinas, 1999). Several steps can be taken to ensure that metrics motivate process behaviors that increase customer value. The first is to identify and prioritize the customers served by the process. (Burrill, 1999). Although the process of employee evaluations does not directly involve customer service, it does have an effect on customers receiving services from the company’s employees. To hire an HR manager to perform create and perform appraisals to better adhere to each employees qualifications would be a great way to implement a change. The cause-and-effect diagram is a method for analyzing a process. The diagram’s purpose is to relate causes and effects. The cause and effect diagram can become complex and make it difficult to identify the problem, but it would be well worth it. If other all employees are allowed to help identify problems relating to the situation and provide a chronological view, that would be just what the company needed for restructuring of the company’s quality culture. Improvement process can vary and there are many tools to help organizations implement change. Seeking ideas and opinions from employees is one of the best techniques to identify whether or not any changes are necessary. References Achieving Quality through continual improvement . From University of Phoenix eBook library web site: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/content/ebooklibrary/content/eReader. hCortinas, D 1999 How to cite Organizational Process Recommendation Paper, Essays
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Why I Chose to Attend a Women’s College
Though college admissions have become increasingly competitive, not all colleges are seeing an increase in applications.Last year, we wrote an article on Why Women Colleges Are Losing Funding to bring to our readers attention that not all colleges are thriving in a world where getting a college degree is more and more important. While women colleges may not be as popular as they used to be, there are a few colleges that still stand out. We asked one of our s attending a womens college why she decided to apply and enroll in one:Jodis StoryThe idea of attending a women’s college may not be attractive to many young girls applying to college for many different reasons. Two of the biggest reasons I’ve heard why many girls do not want to attend a women’s college is that there is lack of male presence on campus, and that attending a women’s college must come with a great deal of drama. As a current student of a women’s college (Smith), I can assure you tha t none of these reasons have ever been an issue during my time in college.The idea that going to a women’s college must be boring because there are no boys around is untrue. Going to a women’s college is just as fun as going to a coed college, and in my opinion is even more fun. The great thing about a women’s college is that students do not feel as though males dominate the classroom or are favored over female students, which is quite empowering.Thinking that there is more drama at women’s college than at a coed college is also false, in fact I have found there is less drama. Most students attending a women’s college aren’t focused on guys but are focused on their studies, which leaves little room for drama with other girls.The best aspects about attending a women’s college is the women empowerment on campus. Women are able to dominate inside and outside the classroom, and are free to express their beliefs without having to think abo ut what their male counterparts will say about them. Because women dominate in the classroom, we receive an education where we feel as though we are equal men, which is important in a male dominant society. What’s great about a women’s college is that women are able to take classes that would be otherwise dominated by men, such as classes in the STEM field. I chose to attend a Women’s college because I feel as though I would be around a college of women always looking to empower each other. I have also found that I have come to value the friendships I have made with other girls, and that by attending a women’s college I am more prepared to take on a male dominated society.
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